Hilichurlian Language Database


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Database Entries

Sentence or phrase Speaker Translation Translation source Context Source
Sleep-Deprived Hilichurl
[I don't] want to see the sun.
Ella Musk

Sleep-Deprived Hilichurl: Yoyo mani mi? Mi muhe Upa Celi nini. Mi muhe mi nunu si, mi muhe mi nye.
Ella Musk: It says it doesn't want to see the sun. It wants to fall asleep and never wake up again... Goodness knows what could be causing it so much anguish.

Pensive Hilichurl
Families change, tribes die out. And friends...
Ella Musk

Upon giving an incorrect item to the Pensive Hilichurl:
Pensive Hilichurl: Domu movo si, Eleka nini si, tomo tomo. Tomo dala si?
Ella Musk: Families change, tribes die out. And friends... Does friendship mean nothing!?

Ella Musk's grandfather
Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian

Useful Phrases:

1. Used with certain words to denote colors.
Note: According to my tests, "Celi boya" is red, "Gusha boya" is green," "Lata boya" is blue, "Nini boya" is white, "Nunu boya/Sama boya" are black, and "Unu boya" is yellow.

(no direct translation given; see context)
Hilichurl Ballad Selection, Volume 2

The fifth song:
Nini movo muhe yoyo
Nini movo mimi tomo
Lata movo mosi yoyo
Celi movo celi yoyo

Much like the people of Mondstadt, the wind-worshiping hilichurl tribes often drink to excess and sing endless songs of praise to the Anemo Archon. This is a hilichurl ode that is often heard when they are inebriated.

(Additional notes:

1. Mistranslation: The original Chinese text simply says that they sing endless songs of praise to the wind, rather than the Anemo Archon.

2. The original Chinese text specifies that this song is sung by hilichurl shamans.)

(no direct translation given; see context)
Hilichurl Ballad Selection, Volume 2

The fifth song:
Nini movo muhe yoyo
Nini movo mimi tomo
Lata movo mosi yoyo
Celi movo celi yoyo

Much like the people of Mondstadt, the wind-worshiping hilichurl tribes often drink to excess and sing endless songs of praise to the Anemo Archon. This is a hilichurl ode that is often heard when they are inebriated.

(Additional notes:

1. Mistranslation: The original Chinese text simply says that they sing endless songs of praise to the wind, rather than the Anemo Archon.

2. The original Chinese text specifies that this song is sung by hilichurl shamans.)


Paimon: Okay then... Well, maybe if we ask nicely, he'll just let us take the Shield of Magnificent Honor for free?
(You approach the hilichurl)
Paimon: *clears throat* Excuse me, Mr. Hilichurl?
Hilichurl: Dala?
Paimon: Welp! Okay, you take it from here, (Traveler)! Hope you've picked up some Hilichurlian by now. If not, there's always body language...


(Attempt 3)

Traveler: Venti sing song, you give shield, okay?
Venti: Hmm? Well, if you insist, a tune I shall strum...
Hilichurl: Mosi mita! (+1 heart)

Traveler: Mani nini Biaodomu.
Hilichurl: Biadam! (-1 heart)

(Bad line)
(Quest mechanic)

Taken from Draft Lines of Hilichurlian Poetry.

Ella Musk
(Seems to be an intensely threatening term.)
Draft Lines of Hilichurlian Poetry

Quest item used in Poetry Exchange. Can be spoken by Traveler (bad line)